Community Directory
Building Permits 444-5380
Mayors Hotline
Cars, Junk Trailers on public or private property 444-5555
City Services information or Complaints
Nuisance Vehicles (dead storage-street, lawn, off pavement)
Trailers or cars parked on lawns
Chuck Holes, Debris, Litter Blocking Street 444-4919
Code Enforcement/Planning & zoning enforcement 444-5371
Garbage Collection/Recycling/Complaints/Information 444-5238
Mayors Office 444-5000
Parks & Recreation 444-5900
Public Works Department 444-5220
Snow Removal Complaints (4 hour line) 444-4919
Street Construction problems/complaints 444-5109
Traffic Signal not working 444-5160
Tree limbs. Hedges Blocking view of traffic 444-5925
Trees, Downed limbs on right-of-way 444-4919
Weeds over 18, Yard litter 444-5910
Public Safety
Arson Hotline 444-3473
Community Resource Center, NW area 444-7743
Crimes in Progress 911
Building Permits 444-5380
Mayors Hotline
Cars, Junk Trailers on public or private property 444-5555
City Services information or Complaints
Nuisance Vehicles (dead storage-street, lawn, off pavement)
Trailers or cars parked on lawns
Chuck Holes, Debris, Litter Blocking Street 444-4919
Code Enforcement/Planning & zoning enforcement 444-5371
Garbage Collection/Recycling/Complaints/Information 444-5238
Mayors Office 444-5000
Parks & Recreation 444-5900
Public Works Department 444-5220
Snow Removal Complaints (4 hour line) 444-4919
Street Construction problems/complaints 444-5109
Traffic Signal not working 444-5160
Tree limbs. Hedges Blocking view of traffic 444-5925
Trees, Downed limbs on right-of-way 444-4919
Weeds over 18, Yard litter 444-5910
Public Safety
Arson Hotline 444-3473
Community Resource Center, NW area 444-7743
Crimes in Progress 911