News Articles

Educational Facility Construction: The Omaha Planning Board
Posted on Feb 24th, 2009

Let your voices be heard! The Omaha Planning board will hold a public hearing on a conditional use permit for the construction of a Secondary educational facility in an R4 district. The hearing is intended to allow the applicant to present details of the request and for any interested persons to hear and comment on the proposal.
Elkhorn Public schools wishes to build a middle school on the south side of Pacific Street, which will continue 208th (Buckskin) street into the now present farm field and beyond. Anyone living on or around the Buckskin/Paddock/Timberlane area is encouraged to attend this meeting so there are no surprises once building begins. A format of three meetings has been scheduled with the City of Omaha once this hearing has concluded so this may be your only time to voice any concerns you may have on this project.
The hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on March 4, 2009 in the Legislative Chambers (LC level) of the Omaha/Douglas Civic Center, 1819 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. If you cannot attend the public hearing but still wish to express your opinion on the matter, to may do so by writing a letter to the Planning Board, Rm 1110. Refer to case # C7-09-035.